Russ Fisher-Ives This interview is certainly one of our favorites as we talk all things STEM in the Southwest and how the Southwest has influenced many countries beyond our borders including China, Japan, Estonia, Canada, Mexico and so many more! Russ Fisher-Ives is a science teacher turned robotics rock star. Years ago he teamed up with Intel and put his philosophy of Inquiry-based learning to work for students through his business, Inquiry Facilitators. His dynamic personality teams up with the heart of an educator to inspire students across the world as he challenges them to think big through the robotics competition he founded, RoboRAVE. Now an international program, Russ travels the globe inspiring both young and old with his dynamic energy and ability to get the world to communicate in one unified language?. Robots!
Show Notes:
Russ Fisher-Ives is a former New Mexico math and science instructor during which time he served as the inaugural Science Academy Head at Rio Rancho High School in New Mexico, where he developed a student research program for up to 1,000 high school students focused on math and science. Russ is also the President and Founder of inquiry Facilitators, whose mission is to enhance science, technology, engineering, and math through academic competitions, support of student research, and teacher professional development. Finally, Russ helped establish, and overseas through Inquiry Facilitators, RoboRave International, a robotics education program that teaches students and teachers how to design, build, program, and test robots to perform a variety of tasks; and an international robotics competition for teams of kids, ages 8 to adults, to test their design in one or more events. RoboRave International’s three goals are to have fun while learning, sharing, and teamwork, with its motto being “Today’s Play, Tomorrow’s Pay.”
RoboRAVE International
RRPS Student Research Expo
Inquiry Facilitators
STEM Hero and Rockstar
George Gorospe
Benjamin Franklin
Contact Information:
Russ Fisher-Ives
Russ also has several TED talks and speeches our listeners might enjoy:
Native Voices through technology