001 Intel, Investing in the Community

Ron Eppes, Intel Community Engagement Manager: Ron is the perfect first guest for our podcast! While the sound quality isn’t great (we get better with time, promise) his stories and love of community are inspiring! Ron is a STEM Rockstar who works just down the road a few miles at Intel Corporation where he is passionate about ensuring Intel is a great corporate citizen. His story is interesting as he shares how someone important in Ron’s life with no apparent attachment to STEM had such a big influence on him ultimately pursuing a STEM career.


               Show Notes


Corporate involvement in STEM education benefits everyone, with efforts such as this:

                            Twelve Months of Math

Ron’s Book Recommendation that relates to his belief that math is fun and powerful in engineering as well as everyday activities such as his running example:                         

                            How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking, by Jordan Ellenberg

Community Involvement and Recognition in STEM

                            STEMYS:  Excellence in STEM Awards



Ron Eppes



While it wasn’t mentioned in the interview, we thought listeners would enjoy Ron’s Ted Talk:

Ron’s Weird Ideas about Math (TEDxABQED, March 27 2015)


Check out this episode!

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